HI I'M Trinh Ngoc Khang
Web developer & Game developer
Hello! I’m Khang. Welcome to my website.I've started and relished coding from 2016. My programming languages are : JavaScript, Java, C#, C/C++ and i'm familiar with Nodejs, Unity, Reactjs.Becoming a fullstack developer and making useful sofware for everyone are my goals. This website will show you some projects i can public and something about me.Hope you enjoy it!
- Age 21
- Address Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi
- Email trinhngockhang1503@gmail.com
- Phone +84964419119
- Website trinhngockhang.github.io
- Nationality Viet Nam

This game is a project at school and get mark A+.It only use standard libary in java.
Technology: Java
Size of brain
It's a funny game which got second prize at Techkids web 6 mini hackathon.
Technology: Phaser
Tank online
Game tank 2D online for 2 players.Players can send the request to another and wait for them
Technology:Unity, socketIo, Nodejs.
Colorful boolean
Caculating correctly and move over the box has the same color.This game available on CH Play.
Technology: Unity

Using Minimax algorithm in one player mode.This game is a project at school.
Technology: Unity
Stress Fighter

Street Fighter version online with new name: Stress Fighter
Technology: Unity, Nodejs, SocketIo
Graduation exit exam
This website simmulates the graduation exit exam and gives you the correct score of the test
Phone Store Management

K Film (2019)
Website for watching movie with more than 3000 movies
Technology:Nodejs, Reactjs, Webpack...
Facebook tool
A tool enable you to login with multi account in Facebook and do the same function you asked, such as like the photo, video...
Technology: Nodejs, Electron, Puppeteer
Get id FB group

A tool help you to get all id of Facebook group's members, it can be useful in marketing
JPEG Compress(2019)

Made by Java, using JPEG compress technique.This is a teamwork product for project at school.
Basic task manager

A desktop application with basic function of a task manager for window
Type:Desktop app
English Listening

This app can test your english listening skill
Type:Desktop app